This is where I go to work every Monday to Friday, from 7 am up to 3.30 pm.
It's called Sekolah Citra Berkat (the sign wasn't up yet at the time the photo was taken).
It is located at about 3 km up from the main road of Surabaya - Malang,
at a place called The Taman Dayu - Pandaan.
Yep, I am now working as a teacher, playgroup and kindergarten teacher to be exact.
The school is very very newly established, (only last year),
so we have 13 students for grade one, 8 students for kindergarten A and 8 students for playgroup B.
It's quite fun and challenging working with children at the age of 3 and 4 years old,
both physically and mentally ( ^ ^ ).
A lot of shouting, singing and jumping around....
I thought that I won't be able to go through this for more than 3 months,
coz I thought that I don't have this chemistry with children,
but somehow I really enjoy myself working with children and I even learnt a lot from them.
So at least, fresh air, nice view and enjoyable work makes a perfect place to work.
Hahahaha it's about time, Pepei..
First taking care of others' kids.
Then, having one of your own??? Hihihihihi, pasti wes bosan ditanyain "Kapan hamil?" dan lebih parah lagi "KAMU WES NGISI YA PEI??????"
Isi opo....?
I think I know someone who used to say that she didn't like teaching and that she would not take it as a prospective career. After being domesticated, that person seemed to have already evolved. Hehehe....
The school looks good and ceria, Pei. Just beware of those little monkeys in your classes!
Ella bisa baca pikiran oii.. gila sejak di muenchen jadi paranormal..hahaha..
Sorry kalo bener kata Ella ttg pertanyaan parah "sudah ngisi??" :P
Tapi tetep pengen tanya terosss..hehehe...
Pepe, mending anake orang cuman dr jam 7 sampe jam 15 lah anak dewe dr 7 pagi sampe jam 7 pagi lagi...hahahaha
Ella: iya, sekarang dah lumayan bete (bukan bosen lagi...) kalo ditanyain SUDAH ISI???? isi opo???? hari ini isi ikan pindang seh....hehehe
Carla: aduh aku jadi malu nih diingetin....gimana lagi daripada nganggur :p duh La...mereka kadang2 bisa jadi LITTLE MONSTERS bukan littly monkeys lagi....tapi tetap menyenangkan sih...
Yunita: yak apa yak apa anak dewe seneng yooooo masio kesel, doakan aja deh...
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