Thursday, March 06, 2008


Yep, that's just the word to describe what I feel right now.
I'm sooooo not in the mood to do anything.
I'm having Aphta Ulcer (widely known as SARIAWAN) right on my tongue!
Imagine, whatever gets into my mouth will touch that damn spot and it hurts!
It also gives me a very bad headache as I still have to force myself to teach for the whole day, with a weird slang as my tongue was not very co-operative....
Sigh....I've done all the medications that people recommends me,
still it's there glorifying its existence....

Damn ulcer!
I hope it will be gone soon, I want to enjoy my long weekend (x x)!


Kitchen Planet said...

Bagaimana pe... udah dicoba olesin pake odol ga? hehehehe :P
Oh pernah denger.. katanya dipites tuh ve (kayak mites jerawat) bisa cepet ilang lho... tapi mungkin "agak" sakit kalo tak bayangin :D

The Diva said...

coba ke Apotik, beli KENALOG Orabase, salep kecil warna kuning.
Nggak tau ya harus pake resep dokter apa nggak.

Tapi sekeluargaku juaranya sariawan *PAPAKU -- being a doctor -- is the champion of sariawan!!!* hahahaha... aku, adikku, semua hobi sariwawan.
Dan semua pake salep itu. Bening, kecil, diolesin gitu sblm bobok malem (olesin yg agak tebel kalo mau), dan dijamin besok pagi nya HILANG tanpa bekas (kalo sariawannya gede, biasanya sampe 2 hari)... tapi nggak ada obat lain yg lebih manjur dari Kenalog ini!!!

Dirumahku sing namane salep ini rebutan giliran ganti dari kamar ke kamar soale sing sariwawan gantian tiap malem hahahaha...
Try that and let me know how it goes.

Carla Chanliau said...

vitamin c, minum air putih yang banyak, minum teh hangat (HANGAT, bukan panas).

itu pendapat seriusnya. maunya sih kurekomen dikencrut aja pake jeruk nipis. biar ngejer2 ga karuan. hihihi.

Vebby Anastasia said...

guys, thanks a lot for the advices :) akhirnya sembuh juga setelah kumur2 dengan ENKASARI, emang gak secepat obat mujarabnya Ella (akan ku beli dan kujadikan stock tetap kotak obatku LA!!!) kalo diolesi odol ama dipites gak wani YUN!!!! gak jelas soale hahahaha......
TralalaTrilili kalo kamu lagi sariawan kasi tau ya, ntar tak bantu ngecrut pake jeruk nipis hihihi....